- Kinksters in Recovery
In PersonNA
Tuesday 7:00 PM (CST)
710 W Lake Street, Minneapolis, MN
An in-person NA meeting for kinksters in Minneapolis.
- Recovery in the Lifestyle New York City
In PersonRitL
Wednesday 6:30 PM (EDT)
211 W 20th St, New York, NY 10011
The weekly RitL meeting in Manhattan is on Wednesdays, downstairs at Purple Passion. They ask people to try to arrive by 6:15. For more information, please e-mail them, or visit their FetLife Group.
- Recovery in the Lifestyle Chicago
In PersonRitL
Thursday 7:00 PM (CST)
6418 N Greenview Ave, Chicago, IL 60626
Meets at the Leather Archives and Museum. Fellowship after at Sayuri Sushi.
- Sober Kink
In PersonTwelve Step
Thursday 7:30 PM (MDT)
2620 W Second Ave Unit 2, Denver, CO
Sober Kink is not associated with a single fellowship and is an in-person pansexual meeting open to all.
- Crystal Meth Anonymous
In PersonCMA
Friday 7:00 PM (CET)
Volkssolidarität – Stadtteilzentrum Friedrichshain Pauline-Staegemann-Straße 6 10249 Berlin, Germany
CMA meeting, open to anyone interested in Crystal Meth Anonymous’ program of recovery from using. Non users may attend open meetings as observers. Reports of the meeting being packed with Leathermen during Folsom.
- Friday Night Beginner’s Meeting
In PersonCMA
Friday 7:00 PM (CST)
3656 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL
A beginner's speaker meeting that is very leather friendly, held in the 2nd Floor Youth Space of the Center on Halstead.
- Sober Minded Leather Folk
In PersonAA
Friday 7:00 PM (PST)
4127 30th St San Diego, CA 92104
This is an in-person and online AA meeting based in San Diego, California.
- Friday Night LFK
In PersonCMA
Friday 8:00 PM (PST)
8000 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046
This is an open speaker meeting.
- Sober Kink Together
In PersonCMA
Friday 8:30 PM (PST)
4058 18th St, San Francisco, CA
Meets at the Castro Country Club.
- Up the Creek
In PersonAA
Saturday 8:00 PM (EDT)
2040 Street Rd, Warrington, PA 18976, USA
Local LGBTQ meeting, a few leathermen are frequent attendees.
- Gay Men's Stag
In PersonAA
Sunday 9:30 AM (PST)
4058 18th St, San Francisco, CA
Local gay men's meeting, a few leathermen are frequent attendees. Meets at the Castro Country Club.